At the end of the 2000 movie Cast Away , Chuck Noland (portrayed by Tom Hanks), finds himself at a crossroads. For over 4 years, he was stranded on an island and presumed dead by his family and friends. As he returns to civilization, he returns the last unopened FedEx package he has (imagine having a package returned to you 4 years later!). After returning the package, he ends up at a crossroads - figuratively and literally. Where does he go from here in his life? Which road should he take? Which road will he choose? While the movie ends before he goes down a path, it does hint at a particular path that he'll take. Sometimes in life, we find ourselves at a crossroads like Chuck Noland did. We may have finished one journey or task, but aren't exactly sure where to go next or how to move forward. Crossroads can be a critical juncture in our lives because they offer multiple paths with completely different destinations. The choice is up to us with ho...