As Long As There's Easter

     This past week, I found myself thinking about one of Disney's direct-to-video sequels to a classic movie: Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas. I suppose when you're spending more time inside your mind starts to wander some. As far as holiday-themed, direct-to-video sequels go, it's good. Granted, it's been years since I've actually watched the whole movie through, but I digress.

     The main thing from that movie that came to mind this week was the song "As Long As There's Christmas," sung by Belle and the Beast's staff. Christmas hasn't been celebrated in the castle for years, as that was when the Beast was transformed into a beast. In spite of this, Belle opts to celebrate Christmas in the castle, to which she sings the "As Long As There's Christmas" song. Belle's pieces of the song express the hope, joy, and overall optimism that come with Christmas. 

      There's no way around it: it's been a dark season with the COVID-19 pandemic. This week also happens to be Holy Week, the most important week of the Christian calendar, a time of remembering Christ's final week walking the Earth before His crucifixion and resurrection. While reading through the Gospels of Matthew and John detailing Jesus getting betrayed, arrested, beaten, mocked, and crucified, it's impossible for me to truly fathom and comprehend all that He endured in His last days. What's more, the fact that Jesus knew that this all had to happen so that the Scriptures could be fulfilled makes it all the more humbling: Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him, His disciples would run away after He got arrested, Peter would deny Him three times, the soldiers would beat and mock Him, and so on. To be able to have a fraction of the love, grace and humility that Christ walked with in this time is something that I continue to pray and strive for, though each day I'm reminded of my shortcomings and ultimately full dependence on Christ and God's grace.

     The days preceding Easter truly were the darkest days in the world. Jesus was beaten, mocked, and crucified. His disciples was scattered and/or in denial of even knowing Him. His family was weeping. The Savior of our world was fallen. And while we may know today that these events were not the end, it hit me that Peter, Mary, and everyone else didn't know that yet. All they knew was that Jesus was gone and all appeared to be lost. But as we know, that was not the end. Tomorrow, we will celebrate Easter, the day of Jesus' resurrection. The tomb was empty and death was defeated. The Light of the world overcame the darkness in the darkest of times. Through the blood of Christ, a way was made for us all to enter in to the Kingdom of God through Him. And it is that reminder that Christ is risen (He is risen, indeed!) that gives us the hope and joy to face today, tomorrow, and all that is to come. 

     I'll be the first to admit that this won't be the most "typical" of Easters. It will feel weird to not be going to church, shouting "He is risen, indeed!" when someone says "Christ is risen", or being able to celebrate with friends after the service.  Every day I'm reminded by how much I miss things like going to church or seeing friends. Still, I take heart in knowing that whether I'm sitting in the pews of a sanctuary or on the sofa in apartment, it still is Easter and Christ is risen. I'm reminded of a classic Arthur episode here where Arthur reminds his friends what special days are truly about. The example he gives is that even if one doesn't get presents or have cake on one's birthday, it's still one's birthday. Likewise, even if this Easter doesn't feature all the same festivities that it normally would, it still is Easter and day to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. There's nothing that can change that - not even a pandemic.

     Now, after Easter does pass, we still will face the same issues and concerns that we are facing right now - and have been for a while. This still will be a dark season and time for many. I don't want to undermine the devastation, loss, uncertainty, and grief that so many are going through right now. There's no clear answer on when things will be "normal" again. I know that celebrating Easter won't end this pandemic or fix the problems and struggles many are in right now, but I know that Easter does bring us all hope through Christ. And I pray that we would all walk in that hope well after Easter passes (after all, the Sunday following Easter is termed "Low Sunday" following the high of Easter), help one another in need, and each do our part to get through this pandemic. 

     One hymn that I've found myself listening to lately is "Because He Lives". The chorus of hymn expresses hope in that because Christ lives, we can face tomorrow, all fear is gone, and life is worth living. Even if everything were perfect in the world right now, I would be unable to face my life tomorrow without Him or knowing that He holds the future in His hands. Now more than ever, I still need that calm assurance that because Christ lives, I can face tomorrow and know that life is worth living just because He lives.

     To close, I'm reminded by that song from Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas. I find myself feeling the same way that Belle feels, but about Easter, not Christmas. To copy off of her, as long as there's Easter I truly believe that hope and salvation are the greatest of gifts we'll receive. As long as there's Easter, we'll be just fine.There'll always be Easter and with that, the promise that Christ is risen and there's life in Him. 

      Happy Easter! Take care, stay home, and be safe!


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