Ripped Pants
In one of the first episodes of Spongebob Squarepants (titled "Ripped Pants"), Spongbeob's having fun with his friend Sandy at the beach. That is, until some other friends come along and make Spongebob feel inferior. When Spongebob attempts to be like them and impress Sandy, he ends up ripping his pants, leading to a chorus of laughter. Spongebob proceeds to make an act out of constantly ripping his pants, drawing laughter each time. He may not be as strong as Sandy's friends, but he's got their laughter and attention every time he rips his pants. However, as time goes on, Spongebob's act starts to wear thin on others and loses his crowd when he goes too far (he pretends to drown). Suddenly, the same act that got Spongebob laughter and attention leaves him alone on the beach, feeling like a loser. With his ripped pants, Spongebob ran into the mistake of failing to quit while he was ahead. However, Spongebob's problem goes beyond pre...