
Showing posts from August, 2021

Enjoying The Ride

          Although 2021 has been an improvement from the odd, unpredictable year that was 2020, this year has had its share of ups and downs, particularly given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of the Delta Variant. As I look at the ups and downs for me personally, I know of them has been this: I haven't published a blog post in over 8 months. In fact, I didn't even due a "Life Lessons Learned" post at year's end -- and 2020 certainly had many of those.            A lot has (obviously) been going on, and there were times that I started to write a post, but never finished or published it. In my life, I've often found that writing truly is a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger you'll get. Conversely, when you get out of the habit of doing it, you "lose" that muscle and it becomes harder to do. Another thing that I have found is that over time, one's priorities can change. While my Saturday mornings still do include trips to the