In the classic Spongebob Squarepants episode "Spongeguard on Duty," Spongebob dreams of being a lifeguard like Larry the Lobster because he's considered "cool". When Larry mistakes Spongebob for being a lifeguard because he appears to have sunscreen on his nose, Spongebob plays up the "cool" lifeguard life...until he realizes that it means swimming and saving people's lives. By episode's end, Larry realizes that Spongebob is not a lifeguard. Larry mistook Spongebob for a lifeguard because he had ice cream, not sunscreen, on his nose. However, Spongebob was willing to go along with it because it meant being a cool, popular lifeguard like Larry. For Larry, sunscreen was the mark of a lifeguard. For Spongebob, sunscreen was a mask. Spongebob fooled Larry and beach goers into thinking that he was a lifeguard and ultimately mask the fact that he couldn't swim. Spongebob's act worked for a while - that is, until Larry was gone an...