Keep Dreaming
As a self-proclaimed sports fan, there are some famous plays and highlights I will never grow tired of watching. Seeing the famous clip of NC State's Lorenzo Charles dunking that basketball to defeat Houston and the aftermath of Jim Valvano running around will always be timely, though that could be in part because both my have NC State ties (sorry, Houston). With the exception of Stanford fans, just about any college football fan can watch "The Play" and get excited when the announcer shouts "the band is out on the field!" It's been over three decades, yet moments like Lorenzo Charles' dunk, "The Play", or the end of that U.S.-USSR Winter Olympics hockey game are still shown. For as beautiful as one of those moments can be, there are countless other times where Jim Valvano doesn't run around the court, where the band doesn't get on the field, or where a miracle doesn't happen. We get our hopes up for a storybook ending, ...