
Showing posts from November, 2017

Baylor Football: The Rebuilding's Just Begun (La La Land Parody)

     Another season of Baylor football is in the books. While it certainly wasn't the season I was hoping for record-wise, this season was always about so much more than that. I am excited about Coach Matt Rhule and what is to come. With that in mind, here's a song parody about Baylor football to the the tune of "Another Day of Sun" from La La Land. But first, 2 quick things to note:  In no way is this parody meant to take away from the seriousness and consequences of the events that transpired at Baylor. I know I made a Facebook post of this a while back. However, consider this a new and improved, full version of the song. Enjoy!  (Ba Ba Ba) Temple recalls that day  He left them at the Philly Airport  East of Chesapeake Bay  They lost a great coach  And they all knew that this was true Still, he did what what he had to do Move to B-U  Fall Saturday nights  Fans got out of their seats Right as they turned out all the lights  Baylor f


     There are three questions about myself/my name that I commonly get asked by others: Are you a good fellow?  Is your middle name really "Wheat"?  Why do you like the Wisconsin teams so much?        Well, to answer the first questions, I strive to be a good fellow and live up to my last name. Two, my middle name is, in fact, Wheat. It is a family name. More specifically, I am name after Captain William Wheat, an ancestor of mine on my father's side of the family. Now about that third question...      I was born in North Carolina, but lived in Virginia for almost all of my childhood. My Dad grew up in Cleveland and roots for the Cleveland teams and the NC State Wolfpack. Naturally, the teams I mainly root for are the Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Bucks, Wisconsin Badgers, and of course the Baylor Bears. So...what gives?       During the 2002 NFL season, my family did this thing on Sunday mornings before church where we would go through the newspaper and

A Season of Thankfulness

     A few weeks ago, when I was getting lunch with a friend, I noticed Christmas wreaths outside a store. When I went to Target on Halloween night, they already had Christmas-themed M&Ms out front by the register. And now, just about every retail place has up Christmas-themed decorations, products, etc. That's how retail works, though. Businesses go from one holiday to the next. However, it seems to me that people keep forgetting about an important holiday that comes about a month before Christmas: Thanksgiving.      In the past few years, it has come to my attention that Thanksgiving has started to become an afterthought between Halloween and Christmas. Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, used to signal the beginning of Christmas shopping. However, Black Friday has since shifted to "Black Thursday". The Christmas shopping season no longer waits for Thanksgiving to end. And that's a shame! Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday -- and not just because of th

The Beginning of a New Beginning

Hello everyone, It has come to my attention that years ago, high school me thought it would be cool to write a blog about sports, song parodies, and everything else in between. Flash forward 7 years later...and I thought it would be cool to write a blog about sports, song parodies, and everything else in between. As they say, "the more things change, the more things stay the same". All of this is to say, it is the beginning of a new beginning! I've decided to resurrect blogging and hope to post in here on a weekly basis. Or monthly basis. Or 7 year basis. We'll see what happens. Stay tuned... -Will P.S. For giggles and grins, the 4 random posts from 2010 will stay put. It's like those Facebook flashbacks, but in blog form. Sorta