
Showing posts from December, 2021

Life Lessons Learned From 2021

One of my favorite types of blog posts to do is a "Life Lessons" post at the end of the calendar year, a tradition that started in 2017 and continued in 2018 & 2019 . Ironically though, I never did do one for 2020, a year that had no shortage of life lessons learned. However, 2020 was a different year across the board (to say the least), so that is par for the course. With that in mind, I did want to bring back that tradition with Life Lessons Learned from 2021. Without further ado, here they are... Enjoy the ride: okay, so I may be ripping off a previous blog post that I wrote earlier in the year, so bear with me on this one. In the past, I've heard that mantra that it's not about the destination, but the journey. While that can be easy to write off as a cliché, I've started to understand the significance of that. This past January, as the Green Bay Packers postseason, I remember a beat writer for the Packers tweeting that no matter what the outcome of the