A Season of Change

In the classic Pixar film Monsters, Inc. , Randall, one of the movie's villains, boasts to Mike and Sulley that he's going to break the all-time scaring record. When Mike declares that he and Sulley are going to break it first, Randall tells him to listen because the "winds of change" are coming. Although those "winds of change" never come to form for Randall, they do make a cameo in the prequel Monsters University years later (or years earlier, since it is a prequel to the original). Change. There's just something about that word. Some say change is good, some say change is bad and they don't like it. I tend to be in the latter group, one that prefers the status quo who gets scared by the thought of change. After all, aren't things fine the way they are? Is there really a need to change something that's not broken? I mean, even for people that embrace change it what it means, there still is a tinge of uncertainty associated with ...