
Showing posts from November, 2018

Thank You

     Last year, after rebooting the blog, my first post centered around Thanksgiving, about how it is often that forgotten holiday tucked in between Halloween and Christmas. Thanksgiving is a great holiday in its own right - food, family, fall weather, football, thanks, of course! It's pretty cool that there is a holiday carved out to giving thanks (pun intended).      When you're a kid, odds are you were always told to say "please" and "thank you". And if you grew up in the south, you were also taught to say "yes sir/no sir" and "yes ma'am/no ma'am". The thing about "thanks" and "thank you" is that they get said and used so much, I think we sometimes forget the importance of them. Saying "thanks'" or "thank you" becomes so routine that it's probably a good thing that we have a holiday to remind ourselves of the importance of giving thanks. Gratitude goes a long way -

Random Stories with Will

     This upcoming week will be a cool personal milestone for me: it will mark the 1-year anniversary of  resurrecting this blog! It all started on a Thursday afternoon at work when I was board and was trying to find things to do on the side. When having a blog came to mind, I was reminded that I made one my freshman year of high school, where I did a few posts about song parodies and some college football predictions. That blog was called "Bringing the Wheat". Needless to say, this blog is a lot different than it was 9 years ago (wow!) - then again, so am I.      With all of that in mind, I thought that I would do a special post about some random stories I've had in the past. Another way to put it: stuff that belongs in this blog. After all, if you're going to have a blog with the word "Random" in the title, shouldn't you at least do something like have some random, untold stories in it? Without further ado, here you go: Wheat Goodfellow     Th